I build things

Exploring new landscapes inspires me

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Born and bred on a dirt road in New Hampshire, I was raised on motorcycles, fireworks, and AC/DC.  I grew up building things: using axes to fashion tree forts, wheelbarrowing earth up dirt bike trails to create BMX courses, and taking scrap wood from new developments to construct a neighborhood renown skatepark.  When I was ten, I could already build a bicycle from scratch; quite frequently taking apart and reassembling several of my own.  This love of physical creation seems to be partially inherited from my grandfathers; one an engineer and the other a Malden firefighter whose engine, and coworkers’ cars for that matter, was never in disrepair in his presence.  Thanks to them, I’m a fairly good wrench.

Today, I continue making things as an occupation, but in a different fashion than my younger years.  Branding, website development, and marketing strategy thrill me as much as motorcycle mechanics.  I have created message models, executed campaigns, and developed digital communications for multiple brands in Boston.  The variety of my past experiences provide me the ability to recognize the connections between seemly unique subjects, and identify opportunities that align them.  Above all, I find inspiration in discovering what drives others, particularly in the friends I hold close.  If any of these interests align with your own, please feel free to connect with me through the social channels above.


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