The month of July is a beautiful thing not to be wasted. Beyond sun and warm waters, there’s a fleeting island of opportunity that exists solely within the borders of 50 states. Some call it Fourth of July; I prefer to think of it as Manifest Destiny.
I wouldn’t dare say all states are created equal in this spirit. (Additionally, I’ll guarantee you’ll never find me repeating this holiday in Connecticut.) Yet, I come from a state with a bold slogan and habits to match. From this patriotism evolved the greatest friend weekend Arlington Pond has ever seen.
It all began with a deep seeded desire to introduce a few city friends to the rural pleasures of a persevering blue collar neighborhood. The plan was to invite a few friends up to my former home for a relaxing weekend. Then one thing single-handedly tipped the scales. Sparks Fly Fireworks released a Buy-4-Get-7-Free (no typo) sale on 500gram firework cakes (the biggest you can get). Naturally, I’m a rewards program member there, so I even walked away with an eighth.
Done. We merged a friend’s birthday, invited all the friends, and created the perfect concoction of ingredients for any New Hampshire party. What are they? A lake, fireworks, aquatic trampoline, musket, camping, a bonfire, good beer, better friends, and a cannon. Combine in no particular order.
This post contains the captured joy of these spoils. I recommend watching all of the firework videos:
Thank You’s:
A huge THANK YOU to the Co-Chair Timothy Roy. Without him we would have never been able to pick up the fireworks or complete the 2 months of cleanup it took to get the beach house up to par. Thank you to my brother Josh who painted and cleared leaves to the dump, and made a Rebel Alliance flag for the party. F-ing righteous. Thank you to JAMES who we met for the first time and cooked breakfast for EVERYONE. Thank you to Seth and Victoria for sewing up the trampoline and cooking burgers for everyone. Thank you to Dustin for deconstruction said Trampoline. Thanks to my father Bob for blowing it up and providing the beach house. Huge dangerous thanks to Ben for climbing the flag pole to put the Rebel Alliance flag up, and helping a drunken Caleb collect firewood. Thanks to Ashley for coming all the way from NY to party. Thanks to Joe Burleigh for providing a Jam Box and booze. Thanks to Bryan Christie for being born. Another huge thanks to Josh for providing, packing, and firing the cannon and musket. And now Tim deserves another thank you for being Captain. Thanks to Shay and Brennan for the extra tents and tubes. I’m sure I’m forgetting people, but as you can see, this was a huge team effort. Most importantly, thanks to everyone who came up! For those that missed it, get on our level next year! Another thank you to Seth For this Awesome video: